The Past Simple Tense
(говоримо про минуле)
До правильних дієслів додаємо закінчення -ed.
Увага: якщо в кінці слова вже є буква "е", то додаємо лише -d. Виконайте ці завдання у зошиті.
Прочитайте текст.
Зверніть увагу на використання дієслів у минулому часі.
I’m Jane, I’m
nine. I’m a pupil of the third form. I go to school every day.
Yesterday I got up
at 7 o’clock. Then I did exercises, had a shower, washed my face and hands, cleaned teeth and dressed. Then I had breakfast and went to school.
At 8:30 my
classes started. We had five lessons yesterday. We ate lunch at school after the
second lesson. When the lessons were over I went home.
I came home at
one o’clock. I washed my hands and had dinner. It was very tasty. My mum cooked meat with potatoes and made some salad. After
dinner I played in the yard with my friends.
In the evening I
helped my parents about the house, read a book and played computer games with my brother.
At 9 o’clock I
went to bed.
Випишіть дієслова у 2 стовпчики:
у перший - правильні дієслова із закінченням -ed;
у другий - неправильні дієслова, які утворюють минулий час інакше.
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