
Happy Halloween!



3-A, 3-B


3-B Hometask

4-A Hometask


Do you like autumn? Why?

Сделано на Padlet


Happy holidays!

Have fun with Gogo! 


4-A, Distance Learning



Пригадайте, як ставити запитання до речення у Present Simple:

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "he drives a car drawing"He goes to work by car every day. 
He doesn't go to work by car every day.
Does he go to work by car every day?
Does he go to work by car or by bus every day?
When does he go to work by car?
Where does he go by car every day?
What does he do every day?
Who goes to work by car every day?

Потренуйтесь ставити запитання до речень:

Tom visits his friends in Poland on holidays.
She helps her granny in the garden every Sunday.

3-A, 3-B, Distance Learning

Прочитайте текст та вставте пропущені слов: red, October, sunny, umbrellas, November, cold.
Запишіть речення зі вставленими словами.


     It is autumn now. September, October and ....   are autumn months.
     September has thirty days. It is warm and .... in September.  The sky is blue. Children go to school and meet their friends and teachers. In September we eat apples, pears, grapes and melons. The leaves turn yellow, .... and brown. Birds fly to the South.
   It is chilly and rainy in ....  We take ....  and put on raincoats. We can see many leaves on the ground. November is the last autumn month. It is .... and frosty in November. The days are short and the nights are long. Autumn is beautiful!

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "autumn"


4-A Homework

Послухайте та повторіть дієслова, спробуйте запамятати якнайбільше слів, запишіть всі дієслова у зошит. Складіть 4 речення з даними дієсловами.