
Distance Learning (3B)

Read the text
Scared Children
Картинки по запросу "kitten"     One day a girl with a boy went to the forest. They gathered mushrooms and berries there. Suddenly the children saw big black eyes in the hole of a tree. They got scared and ran away. Then they saw a hunter’s house. The hunter was near his house. The girl told him about big eyes in the hole. The children showed the hunter that tree. The man saw big black eyes and got scared as well. Suddenly, a pretty kitten jumped out of the hole. The children and the man were surprised.

berries - ягоди
suddenly - раптом
hole - дупло
hunter - мисливець
got scared - налякався

 True or false?
1. One day the children went to the forest.
2. They gathered the flowers.
3. The children saw big blue eyes in the hole and got scared.
4. The boy and the girl ran home.
5. The hunter’s house was in the forest.
6. The boy told the hunter about the eyes in the hole.
7. The man saw the eyes in the hole of the tree.
8. The hunter didn’t get scared.
9. The kitten jumped out of the hole.
10. The kitten was surprised. 

Щоб утворити заперечні речення, 
використовуємо didn't (did not) перед дієсловом. 
Після didn't дієслово не вживається у минулому часі.
I went to the forest. - I didn't go to the forest.
We played football. - We didn't play football.
She lived in a big house. - 
They liked the story. -
He ran home. - 
I saw a kitten. - 
The children helped mum. -
I skated last winter. -

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